Time with my youngest that I didn’t know I’d lost.

After our first child was born, it was easy to spend time with the baby. I was lucky to have a flexible job and spent at least a day or two a week at home, often more. Our second arrived last October and while my work life was much the same, Adrian was already there,…

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Order and Time for Creativity

My life had become so busy, hectic, sleepless prior to the outbreak. I rarely had time to think, let alone slow down to allow for a creative thought to really develop. While my time is still very full, I am finding it much easier to flesh out ideas and focus on forgotten passions which have…

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Anxiety + Lack of Sleep = Meditation

Since being in quarantine a lot has changed in my life, my university closing, classes moving to online, not able to see my friends, or go to my job. With all the new changes happening so fast, my anxiety and depression kicked in. With the worry of everything going on and hearing my parents watch…

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During this time, I have gained a new found interest in crystals and meditation. I have purchased a couple of books on crystals and began to really dive into meditating. Meditating has really helped me to be in tune with myself.

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