I found the ability of baseball.

Another thing I found during this pandemic is that I have gotten better at baseball. Before this pandemic I was on a a little league team and we actually got 3rd which was pretty good for us because we were playing up in the 7th grade teams when we were in 6th grade. But since then I haven’t been playing baseball lately because, well, we can’t! But lately I joined a club team in el Segundo called the Beach City Prospects. We do practices Wednesday and Saturday and we are pretty good overall. Mostly everyone on the team can hit and pitch well which is impressive because most teams don’t have that. We recently had a tournament in Venice and we got 3rd place and I got the winning run and catch was so cool because I have been working hard in practice to get more playing time. I am very proud of myself for joining a club team and working hard instead of sitting on my butt eating cheetos at home. I still want to try a harder to get full playing time and be one of the best on the team. This is a found during this pandemic I am very proud of.


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