I love my family. Okay, it’s not like I didn’t love my family before, but the pandemic has given me a new appreciation for the people who I surround myself with. And not just the people. I’ve never been so happy to be a dog owner. My dog has been my constant companion, couch buddy and walking partner. He’s earned the people food we lavish on him. My wife and I have been together for 31 years, but we never figured on this experience. I certainly appreciate her companionship and love more now than ever. I have really cool kids. My son’s now off at college and he worked through most of the pandemic, so I guess I’ve learned to appreciate his development into an adult. It happened all of a sudden except it didn’t. It feels like my daughter hasn’t left the house in 6 months. I truly appreciate and cherish all this “stolen” time I get to spend with her. She holds down the house since my wife and I have returned to work. Our entire family dynamic has changed. My kids are turning into adults, but covid hit pause on these changes a bit. It slowed things down and allowed us to spend a little more time together before they head off on their own. So, I found my love for my family. If you can indeed find something that was never lost in the first place.