My freshmen year

2020 was my freshman year of college. I’ve been looking forward to this for so long. I had so many plans. Instead, I had to stay home and do classes on Zoom, with almost no way of making friends. I’ve lost 25% of my college experience.

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In blurs of color and sound, I lost a beautiful heart.

A father by heart. You brightened up my world. Now I feel nothing, but empty in this dimness. You are the angel that flew home with God before I knew it, and only God knew why. In life, I loved you dearly. In death, I still love you because you will remain alive in my…

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I’ve found motivation and a plan to move forward

For a long time, I’ve had a vague idea of things I wanted, but I never really had the motivation to pursue them. Deep down, I knew that it wasn’t a matter of not being capable of working hard enough, but that I didn’t WANT to work hard enough. I was at a loss as…

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